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Material Chains in Late Prehistoric Europe and the Mediterranean. Time, Space and Technologies of Production, 2017, 202 p.

Material Chains in Late Prehistoric Europe and the Mediterranean. Time, Space and Technologies of Production, 2017, 202 p. -

This book brings together contributions about the archaeological study of production processes. Through different case studies from Late Prehistoric Europe and the Mediterranean, it considers theoretical and methodological aspects of the research on technologies of production. It tries to bring answers to such questions as: how to identify and characterize working spaces? How to interpret them? How may we reconstruct the social framework in which the production processes took place, their temporality? What biases does the constitution of the archaeological record introduce in these reconstructions? Eleven papers consider these issues in different contexts, from Lebanon to Spain, and from potting to metal making. Sommaire : A. Gorgues, K. Rebay-Salisbury, R. B. Salisbury, Material chains in late prehistoric Europe and the Mediterranean: time, space, and technologies of production. An Introduction ; R. B. Salisbury, K. Rebay-Salisbury, Processes of theory: from production sequences and process to chaînes opératoires and object biographies ; E. Gauthier, P. Pétrequin, M. Gabillot, A method of data structuring for the study of diffusion processes of raw materials and manufactured objects ; R. B. Salisbury, Links in the chain: evidence for crafting and activity areas in late prehistoric cultural soilscapes ; A. Gorgues, Wherever I lay my tools. Workspace morphology and temporality in the Northern Iberian world (sixth-first centuries BC) ; A. Brysbaert, Where are they? Buried, wasted, half-done and left-over: in search of creative artisans among their 'rubbish' in Late Bronze Age Tiryns, Greece ; Z. El Morr, Metal and society in Middle Bronze Age Byblos ; T. Di Fraia, Tablet weaving in prehistory and proto-history: the contribution of the Italian record ; N. Frèrebeau, C. Sacilotto, On some Iberian unfired pottery sherds from the Late Iron Age (second century BC) ; J. J. Padilla Fernández, Romanization is coming! The appearance of the potter working classin Iberia at the end of the Second Iron Age ; A. Bertaud, Iron Age weapons in western Europe: from the biography of a weapon to the warrior's interactions during the last centuries BC.
Référence : 49356. Français
50,00 €
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