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Contributions to the Mesolithic in Europe. Papers presented at the fourth international Symposium Leuven 1990 (Studia Praehistorica Belgica, 5), 1990, 474 p., nbr. ill. -

Vermeersch P. M., Van Peer P., Preface ; Smith Chr., Openshaw St., Mapping the Mesolithic ; Andersen S. H. et al., Making Cultural Ecology Relevant to Mesolithic Research: I. A Data Base of 413 Mesolithic Fauna Assemblages ; Newell R. R., Making Cultural Ecology Relevant to Mesolithic Research: II. Restocking the Larder of the Later Mesolithic of Zealand, Denmark ; Edwards K. J., Fire and the Scottish Mesolithic: Evidence from Microscopic Charcoal ; Gron O., Studies in Settlement Patterns and Submarine Bogs: Results and Strategy for Further Research ; Palmer S., Culverwell - Unique Opportunities for Studying the Intra-Site Structure of a Mesolithic Habitation Site in Dorset, England ; Constandse-Westermann Tr. S., Newell R. R., A Diachronic and Chorological Analysis of Lateralization Manifestations in the Western European Mesolithic Skeletal Sample: A Novel Approach ta the Assessment of Social Complexity ; Boroneant V., Les enterrements de Schela Cladovei : Nouvelles données ; Neeley M. P., Clark G. A., Measuring Social Complexity in the European Mesolithic ; Verhart L. B. M. , Stone Age Bone and Antler Points as Indicators for "Social Territories" in the European Mesolithic ; Larsson L., Dogs in Fraction - Symboles in Action ; Gregg D. W., Complexity and Change: Testing a New Method for Describing Lithic Technology at Selected Mesolithic Sites in Denmark and Scania ; Eriksen B. V., Cultural Change or Stability in Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Societies. 3 Case, from the Late Palaeolithic - Early Mesolithic in Southwestern Germany ; Bintz P., Grunwald C., Mésolithique et Néolithisation en Chartreuse et en Vercors (Alpes du Nord) : Évolution culturelle et économique du silex ; Matiskainen H., Mesolithic Subsistence in Finland ; Bang-Andersen Sv., The Myrvatn Group, a Preboreal Find-Complex in Southwest Norway ; Nygaard S. E., Mesolithic Western Norway ; Blankholm H. P., Stylistic Analysis of Maglemosian Microlithic Arrnatures in Southern Scandinavia: an Essay ; Gebauer A. B., Price T. D., The End of the Mesolithic in Eastern Denmark: A Preliminary Report on the Saltbak Vig Project ; Willis R., Deby 29 - The Functional Analysis of a Late Mesolithic Site in Poland & its Significance in the Polish Context ; Schild R., The Mystery of the Desna-type Assemblages in Poland ; Niesiolowska-Sreniowska E., Mokrac - A Mesolithic Site in Central Poland: Organization and Subsistence ; Domanska L., The Role of Near East Factor in the Development of the Late Mesolithic Communities of the Central Eastern Part of the European Plain ; Burov Gr. M., Die Holzgerate der Siedlungsplatzes Vis I als Grundlage fiir die Periodisierung des Mesolithikums im Norden des Europäischen Teils der UdSSR ; Bagniewski Zb., Maglemose-Kultureinflüsse in Mitteleuropa ; Cziesla E., Report on Four Field-Campaigns in the Weidental-Cave, Palatinate Forest (Western Germany) ; Peterson J. D., Assessing Variability in Late Mesolithic Assemblages in Ireland ; Woodman P. C., Andersen E., The Irish Later Mesolithic: A Partial Picture ? ; Spier F., Les industries mésolithiques du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg et leur attribution chrono-culturelle : État de la question ; Rozoy J.-G., La Roche-à-Fépin et la limite entre l'Ardennien et le Tardenoisien ; Rozoy J.-G., Slachmuylder J.-L., L'Allée Tortue à Fère-en-Tardenois (Aisne - France), site éponyme du Tardenoisien récent ; Thévenin A., Le Mésolithique de l'Est de la France ; Morais Arnaud J. E., Gonzalez Morales M. R., Recent Research on the Mesolithic in the Iberian Peninsula: Problems and Perspectives ; Straus L. G., Altuna J., Vierierra Br., The Concheiro at Vidigal: a Contribution to the Late Mesolithic of Southern Portugal.
Référence : 4270. Anglais
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