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A guide to orthophotographic surveying using photogrammetry as applied to archaeological heritage. From the choice of tools to process settings within the open-source software MicMac (IGN ENSG), 2023, 113 p.

A guide to orthophotographic surveying using photogrammetry as applied to archaeological heritage. From the choice of tools to process settings within the open-source software MicMac (IGN ENSG), 2023, 113 p. -

Edition en anglais

List of abbreviations


Chapter 1 : Theory, preparation and acquisition

Chapter 2 : Process for producing plan orthophotographs

Chapter 3 : Process for producing elevation orthophotographs : the example of the Early Christian church of Mirine

Chapter 4 : Backup and dissemination of data



Summary of command chains
Référence : 55421. Français
10,00 €