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Vounous. C. F. A. Schaeffer's excavations in 1933. Tombs 49-79, (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, 130), 2003, 22 p., 33 fig., 113 pl.

Vounous. C. F. A. Schaeffer's excavations in 1933. Tombs 49-79, (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, 130), 2003, 22 p., 33 fig., 113 pl. -

Vounous is a famous Early and Middle Bronze Age cemetery located on the north coast of Cyprus (Chypre). Excavations were conducted in the 1930's by 3 stages and appeared to “house” richly endowed burials. P. Dikaios (Cyprus Museum) and J. Stewart (British School at Athens) published their results but the report in extenso of C.F.A. Schaeffer's season (National Museums of France) remained unpublished. This volume is meant to give an overall picture of the expedition directed by C.F.A. Schaeffer in 1933. The French mission uncovered some 30 tomb groups, Tombs 49 to 79, ranging in date from the Early Cypriot I to Middle Cypriot II. The graves are carved into the soft bedrock on the hillside : a dromos gives access to one or more subterranean chambers. The tombs contain one to several burial deposits with a varying number of offerings. Some 1650 objects are recorded in the Catalogue : Red Polished, Black Polished, White Painted and Coarse wares vessels (bowls, dishes, jugs/juglets, amphorae, flasks, composite vases, askoi), metal artefacts (tools, weapons, adornments), spindle-whorls, beads, shells, plank idols... The plates I-CX have been arranged by tomb groups and the plates CXI-CXIII assemble the finds from unidentified context.
Référence : 25444. Anglais, Français
152,50 €
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