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SMITH R.R.R., WARD-PERKINS B. (éd.) - The Last Statues of Antiquity, 2016, 448 p., rel. -
The first comprehensive survey of Roman statuary in the public realm in Late Antiquity, exploring the reasons behind the decline and eventual disappearance of this important phenomenon
Based on a major research project and corresponding online database which collates all the available evidence for the erection of statues across the Roman Empire from the late third century AD onwardsr>
Provides a pan-Empire comparative overview, examining individual regions (including the Near East), cities (such as Aphrodisias), and also the different honorands, from provincial governors to cultural heroesr>
Chapters written by an international range of key experts in the field, including scholars directly involved in the researchr>
Richly illustrated with an extensive selection of photographs, maps, and graphs
Référence : 51325.
163,00 €
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