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Breaking down boundaries : Hadrian's wall in the 21rst century, (Suppl. JRA 93), 2013, 140 p. -
Challenging preconceptions about Hadrian's Wall (R. Collins, M. F. A. Symonds) ; Before Hadrian's Wall: early communities at Vindolanda and on the northern frontier (E. M. Greene) ; "The world is a bundle of hay": investigating land management for animal fodder around Vindolanda, based on plant remains (J. Huntley) ; Gateways or garrisons? Designing, building, and manning the milecastles (M. F. A. Symonds, with an Appendix by P. R. Hill) ; The vicus at Housesteads: a case study in material culture and Roman life (L. Allason-Jones) ; The fort wall: a great divide? (A. Birley) ; From the Severans to Constantius: the lost century (L. Roach) ; Pleading the fifth (century): patterns of coin use at the end of empire (R. Collins).
Référence : 44059.
98,00 €
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