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ÉPUISÉ - Material culture in London in an age of transition: Tudor and Stuart period finds c 1450–c 1700 from excavations at riverside sites in Southwark, 2006, 257 p. -
Material culture in London in an age of transition is a major new illustrated catalogue of a rare assemblage of items from the Tudor and Stuart periods. Objects of leather, bone, wood and glass as well as metal (with metallurgical analyses) include clothing and accessories; household equipment, fixtures and fittings; and items attesting writing, reading and leisure pursuits, and textile working, non-ferrous and ferrous metalworking, leather working, woodworking, bone, antler and glass working, ship building and fishing. There are weights; coins, tokens and jettons; pilgrim souvenirs and secular badges; horse equipment, arms and armour fragments. The discussion considers specific chronological trends as well as more general aspects of production, trade and changing styles.
Référence : 32423.
Dans la même époque
Vivre en montagne au Moyen Âge. Les objets racontent l'histoire de l'argenteria de Brandis. Huez-Alpe d'Huez - XIIe-XIVe siècles, 2024, 504 p. -
Réf : 57527.
46,00 €