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A Definitive Reconstructed Text of the Coligny Calendar, (Journal of Indo-European studies, Monographie 39), 2001, 120 p., 70 pl. -
The fragmentary calendar plate from Coligny (near Lyons) apparently dates to the second-century AD, although the Gaulish calendar engraved on this plate is plainly the result of a long transmission process. The 25-year-cycle calendar, the final system of this transmission process, probably originated early in the first-century BC, before Caesar's conquest. It is within this late pre-Roman period that the calendar took on its final form and notation to enter a two-century long transmission process. Since only 40% of the original Coligny calendar survives as a fragmentary mosaic, the reconstruction of the original whole depends upon recognizing repetitive patterns and filling in the missing sequences of these patterns. The most significant of these patterns is that discerned in the schemes of the TII and the N lunar/solar counting marks and their associated notation. Here the chronological cycles implied by these notational patterns are explained in detail. Also provided is a glossary of the functional and etymological significance of terms utilized in these daily notational patterns. The fragmentary calendar is brought to photographic completion utilizing the original wording and engraving found on the surviving fragments.
Référence : 27999.
56,00 €
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Lavau I. Le complexe funéraire monumental de Lavau (XIIe s. av. J.-C. – IVe s. apr. J.-C.), (66e suppl. à Gallia), 2024, 296 p. -
Réf : 57666.
59,00 €