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ÉPUISÉ - Roman Inveresk : Past, Present and Future. 2003, 103 p., 80 ill. n.b., br. -
This book is a collection of papers describing recent work on the Roman fort at Inveresk, near Edinburgh, and its environs. The book has its origins in a seminar held at the National Museums of Scotland in 1999, organised jointly by Historic Scotland and The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Contents: Overview (D. J Breeze); Aerial Survey and Inveresk (M M Brown); The Roman fort at Inveresk (A. Leslie); Inveresk Gate (M C Bishop); Eskgrove, Inveresk: A watching brief in the vicus (I. Rogers); Excavations on the 'amphitheatre' and other areas east of Inveresk fort (T. Neighbour); Amongst the field systems I: Monktonhall (W S Hanson); Amongst the field systems II: Lewisvale Park (A. Leslie); Amongst the field systems III: Howe Mire (M. Cook); Finds from Inveresk - Glimpses of Roman frontier life (F. Hunter); Inveresk and Historic Scotland: Managing and protecting the archaeological remains (O. Owen); Gazetteer of work undertaken in and around Inveresk, including various smaller projects
Référence : 26251.
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