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Carausius and Allectus. The British Usurpers, 2003, 214 p., 35 ill., rel. -
This book tells the history of the emperors Carausius and Allectus and their renegade regime in Roman Britain from a.d. 286 to 296. Drawing on literary, archaeological, and numismatic evidence, Casey sets out the Continental and British background to their revolt, establishes the importance of sea power and marine technology at the time, and assesses the use of the two emperors as historical icons in periods of national crisis in British history.
Référence : 23290.
106,50 €
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Villages et hameaux paysans en Gaule et sa périphérie entre la fin de la période laténienne et l'époque romaine, (actes du XVe colloque AGER, Saverne,...
Réf : 57545.
45,00 €