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Water Supply and Water Management in the Metal Ages, (actes XXe coll. UISPP, Oct. 2022, Ankara, Turquie), 2024, 162 p.

Water Supply and Water Management in the Metal Ages, (actes XXe coll. UISPP, Oct. 2022, Ankara, Turquie), 2024, 162 p. -

Thematic Session: Water Supply and Water Management in the Metal Ages
- Evidence for roof drainage at the Early Bronze Age site of Dhaskalio, Cyclades (M. Floquet, M. J. Boyd, C. Renfrew)
- Water management at Pseira, Crete, in the Late Bronze Age (S. C. Ferrence, A. Giumlia-Mair, P. P. Betancourt)
- Los Millares – Water supply and water management of a Copper Age fortification in Andalusia (A. E. Jakowski)
- The Motilla culture: a hydraulic culture facing the challenge of the 4.2 ka cal BP climate event (L. Benítez de Lugo Enrich, M. Mejías Moreno)
- Water supply strategies in the Celtiberian Iron Age: the water strategies in the Baeturia Celtica (L. Berrocal Rangel, P. Paniego, L. Ruano)

General Session: Current Research in the Metal Ages
- Cathodoluminescence microscopy in cultural heritage: spatial characterization of pottery matrices over firing in earthen wares and stone wares (M. Emami, R. Chapoulie, M. Montazer Zohouri)
- At the mercy of the waters of the Turkish Euphrates: Tilbes Höyük and its possible performance as a regional sanctuary of a goddess during the 2nd–3rd millennia BC in northern Mesopotamia (J. Gil Fuensanta, A. Mederos Martín)
- Agia Varvara-Almyras: an Iron Age copper smelting site in Cyprus (W. Fasnacht, C. Peege)
- Arsenic at the Chrysokamino smelting site (P. P. Betancourt)
- Preliminary report on the archaeological and archaeometallurgical analysis of a Late Bronze Age hoard from Vatta-Telekoldal-dűlő (Northeast Hungary) (B. Török, P. Barkóczy, N. Kovács, E. Fejér)
- Deutschlandsberg-Hörbing and multi-period settlements at the edge of the eastern Alps – current research on the Bronze Age in western Styria (F. Mauthner, V. Vidoz)
- Typological examination of Middle and Final Bronze Age (1625–800 BC) pottery from the Eremita Cave in Borgosesia (Vercelli, Italy) (L. Shala, E. Derenne, M. Besse)
- Petrographic study of Middle and Final Bronze Age (1625–800 BC) pottery from Eremita Cave (Borgosesia, Vercelli, Italy): inferences on pottery production and exploitation of natural resources (K. Igrishta, D. Carloni, M. Besse)
- Sentier sacré avec source du site archéologique de Montagna Vecchia di Corleone (Sicile, Italie) (A. Vintaloro)
- An archaeology of gesture? Reconstructing some Iron Age fighting techniques (G. Reich)
Référence : 57632. English
75,00 €
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