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Paléorient 45.1, 2019.
G. Haklay, A. Gopher, Architectural planning and measuring in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic site of Cayonu, Turkey ; J. Becker, A. Von Wickede, F. Bachmann, A unique Halafian ceramic object from Shams ed-Diny Tannira, Syria ; J.S. Baldi et al., From the Natufian to the Chalcolithic in Southern Syria: The Qarassa archaeological evidence ; R. Chasan, D. Rosenberg, Getting into shape: The characteristics and significance of Late Chalcolithic basalt vessel decoration in the Southern Levant ; V. Trifonov et al., A 5000-year-old souslik fur garment from an elite megalithic tombe in the North Caucasus, Maykop culture ; C. Marro, V. Bakhshaliyev, R. Berthon, J. Thomalsky, New light on the Late Prehistory of the South Caucasus: Data from the recent excavation campaigns at Kultepe I in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan (2012-2018) ; E. Baudouin, Rethinking architectural techniques of the Southern Caucasus in the 6th millennium BC: A re-examination of former data and new insights.
Référence : 51615.
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