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Guts and Brains. An Integrative Approach to the Hominin Record, 2007, 280 p. -
How did Humans evolve? Why do we have such large brains, and how can we afford the high energetic costs? The contributors to this volume focus on the suggestion that "we are what we eat", and that diet play a role in the evolution of a number of distinctive human characteristics. The volume draws together results from a wide range of disciplines, for example studies of foraging activities of hunter-gatherers compared with primates, the energy requirements of extinct hominins, the energetics of reproduction for female hominins, evidence for hominin diets from bone chemistry, and the archaeology of Neanderthal foraging behaviour.
Référence : 34171.
69,00 €
In the same Epoch

Dossiers d'Archéologie n°428, Mars-Avril 2025. Les grands sites de l'art néolithique.
Réf : 57780.
12,00 €

10,00 €