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ÉPUISÉ - Villas, Farms and the Late Roman Rural Economy (third to fifth centuries AD), (BAR S568), 2005, (rééd. mise à jour), 183 p. -
A reprint with updated material of the author's 1991 research into villas and farms and rural economy in the Late Roman era (Britain, Gaul, Italy, Spain and Gallia Belgica in the 3rd to 5th centuries AD). The volume challenges the assumption that the period studied was one of dramatic decline, and analyses the archaeological evidence in a wide-ranging survey.
Référence : 32599.
In the same Epoch
Villages et hameaux paysans en Gaule et sa périphérie entre la fin de la période laténienne et l'époque romaine, (actes du XVe colloque AGER, Saverne,...
Réf : 57545.
45,00 €