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ÉPUISÉ - The National Roman Fabric Reference Collection : A Handbook, (Museum of London Archaeology Service, Monograph 2, 1998), 240 p., 220 pl. coul. -
A reference guide to nearly 200 fabric groups based on 650 samples, including imported and widely-distributed Romano-British wares. The standardised descriptions are based on macroscopic and microscopic criteria (at X20 and in thin section). Illustrated with 220 colour plates of fresh sherd breaks, with a select bibliography, listing of museum collections and discussion of the source evidence for each group. With its clear layout and excellent illustrations, this is an invaluable tool for all students and scholars of Roman pottery.
Référence : 23295.
In the same Epoch
Villages et hameaux paysans en Gaule et sa périphérie entre la fin de la période laténienne et l'époque romaine, (actes du XVe colloque AGER, Saverne,...
Réf : 57545.
45,00 €