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Belkis/Zeugma, Halfeti, Rumkale : A last look on history, 2000, 64 p., 110 ill. coul., 3 cartes. -
News of the imminent flooding in 2000 of the ancient city of Zeugma in the waters of the Birecik dam captured media attention. This book documents the most significant archaeological discoveries at Zeugma. Besides serving as an important cultural record, the work also testifies to the environmental, economic, and social impact of the dam construction.
Référence : 21510.
51,00 €
In the same Epoch
Villages et hameaux paysans en Gaule et sa périphérie entre la fin de la période laténienne et l'époque romaine, (actes du XVe colloque AGER, Saverne,...
Réf : 57545.
45,00 €