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Anthropology of Roman Housing, 2020, 324 p.

Anthropology of Roman Housing, 2020, 324 p. -

- Toward an anthropological approach to the Roman living space (A. Dardenay, N. Laubry)

- L'archéologie des espaces domestiques à Pompéi : un point sur la question (S. Zanella)

- Lucrum facere? Strategie d'uso degli spazi domestici nell'ultima Pompei (A. Coralini)

- Rooms with a view: status, spatial hierarchy, and seasonality in the upper floors of houses at Herculaneum (J. N. Andrews)

- Tra domus e villa. Spazio e società nelle abitazioni lungo le mura di Pompei (A. Anguissola)

- With all mod cons? Latrines in domestic settings (A. Bouet)

- Sanctuaires et marges de l'habitat : perception et délimitation de l'espace domestique (M. Mauger)

- Locating the use and storage of female toiletry items in Pompeian Houses (R. Berg)

- Where are the women? Approaching domestic space through graffiti (P. Lohmann)

- Between public and private: the Italian houses of late Hellenistic / Roman Delos (M. Zarmakoupi)

- House form and household structure: the social analysis of urban domestic architecture in Roman Celtiberia (J. Bermejo Tirado)

- Des morts chez les vivants ? Les enfants en bas âge inhumés dans les espaces domestiques de Gaule romaine (N. Baills-Barré, M. Tirel)

vVoir également : Gods in the House. Anthropology of Roman Housing - II, 2023, 368 p. (référence 55992)
Référence : 55942. Anglais, Français
125,00 €
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