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Stránská skála. Origins of the Upper Paleolithic in the Brno Basin, Moravia, Czech Republic, 2005, 232 p., 170 ill., br.

Stránská skála. Origins of the Upper Paleolithic in the Brno Basin, Moravia, Czech Republic, 2005, 232 p., 170 ill., br. -

In this volume, an international and interdisciplinary team of scholars--Czech and American archaeologists, paleoanthropologists, geologists, and biologists--report on the results of the investigations from 1980 through the 1990s at Stránská skála, a complex of open-air loess sites on the outskirts of the Brno Basin in the Czech Republic. The volume presents in-depth studies of the geology, paleopedology, frost processes, vegetation, fauna, and archaeological features of Stránská skála that break new ground in our understanding of early modern humans in central Europe.
Référence : 29492. Anglais
56,00 €
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