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On salt, copper and gold. The origins of early mining and metallurgy in the Caucasus, (actes coll. Tbilisi, juin 2016), 2021, 476 p.

On salt, copper and gold. The origins of early mining and metallurgy in the Caucasus, (actes coll. Tbilisi, juin 2016), 2021, 476 p. -

Early mining in the Caucasus and beyond
- Prehistoric rock-salt production (A. Harding)
- Early salt-mining systems and strategies at Duzdagi, Nakhchivan (T. Gonon, N. Gailhard, B. Varol, V. Bakhshaliyev, C. Marro)
- Salt-exploitation techniques during the Early Bronze Age in the Caucasus. Technology and use-wear of the macro-lithic tools from Duzdagi and Ku¨ltepe I (Nakhchivan) (C. Hamon, N. Gailhard, G. Fronteau)
- The functions of Kura-Araxes ceramic containers in Caucasian early mining (C. Marro)
- The Paravani calculation. The early gold-mining complex in Sakdrisi and its societal impact (T. Stöllner, I. Gambashidze, N. Boenke, W. H. Schoch)
- The prehistoric mining implements from Georgia (K. Tamazashvili)
- Kura-Araxes ceramics and the prehistoric gold mine of Sakdrisi (N. Otchvani, F. Klein, S. Senczek, I. Gambashidze, T. Stöllner)

Early metallurgy in the Caucasus and beyond
- The invisible movements of metallurgy: the interactions between nomads and metal. Some evidence from Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan) during the Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age (N. Gailhard, M. Bode, V. Bakhshaliyev, C. Marro)
- Geochemistry of gold from the prehistoric mine of Sakdrisi and Transcaucasian gold artefacts between the 4th and 2nd millennia BC (M. Jansen, A. Hauptmann, S. Klein, I. Gambashidze, B. Jalilov)
- Patterns of early metallurgy on the Iranian Plateau, from the beginnings to the end of the Bronze Age (B. Helwing)
- Reassessment of the prehistoric metallurgy at Arisman, Central Iran (N. Nezafati, E. Pernicka, B. Helwing, D. Kirchner)

Early mining and metallurgy within their broader economic context
- The role of herding strategies in the exploitation of natural resources by early mining communities in the Caucasus (R. Berthon, J. Giblin, M. Balasse, D. Fiorillo, E. Bellefroid)
- Early pastoralism and natural resource management: recent research at Godedzor (G. Palumbi et al.)
- Is there homogeneity in Georgian Kura-Araxes human dietary practices? (E. Herrscher, M. Poulmarc'h, L. Bitadze, N. Vanishvili, G. André)
- The Kura-Araxes economy: mobile pastoralism or sedentary agriculture? Perspectives from Sos Höyuk (C. Longford, A. Sagona)
- Archaeological investigations at Nakhchivan Tepe (V. Bakhshaliyev)
- Obsidian tool production in the South Caucasus of the 5th and 4th millennium BCE. Technology, typology and sociocultural implications (J. Thomalsky)

The exploitation of natural resources in the Caucasus in late prehistory
- The use of natural resources at Mentesh Tepe during the Late Chalcolithic period and the Early Bronze Age (L. Astruc)
- The exploitation of mineral resources in Armenia in the Early Bronze Age. Obsidian, metal, bitumen, and salt (R. Badalyan)
- From generalists to specialists? Transcaucasian communities and their approach to resources during the 5th and the 3rd millennium BCE (T. Stöllner)
Référence : 54024. English
65,00 €
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