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Different Times ? Archaeological and Environmental Data from Intra-Site and Off-Site Sequences, (actes 18e Congrès UISPP, Paris, juin 2018, Vol 4, Session II.8), 2020, 136 p.

Different Times ? Archaeological and Environmental Data from Intra-Site and Off-Site Sequences, (actes 18e Congrès UISPP, Paris, juin 2018, Vol 4, Session II.8), 2020, 136 p. -

The role of the duration and recurrence of settlements in our perception of human impact on the environment: an example from Northern France (S. Granai, S. Coutard, N. Cayol, M. Boulen) ; Dynamiques environnementales et impact de l'anthropisation au Néolithique dans le vallon du Vey à Cairon (Calvados, Normandie) : apports des analyses à haute résolution sur une nouvelle séquence pollinique hors-site (L. Lemer, A. Gauthier, L. Lespez, C. Germain-Vallée) ; Geoarchaeological and chronological reconstruction of the Asikli PPN site spatial development (Central Anatolia, Turkey) (C. Kuzucuoglu, M. Özbasaran, J.-P. Dumoulin, S. Saulnier-Copard) ; Times of historical developments and environmental changes in the Minoan town of Malia, Crete: an intra and off-site geoarcheological approach (M. Pomadère, L. Lespez, C. Langohr) ; Environmental change and population responses in the Sechura Desert during the late Holocene. (V. Villa et al.) ; Archaeological and paleoenvironmental reconstructions in the tropical Maya area: the case of Naachtun (Guatemala) (P. Nondédéo et al.) ; Tracing the hidden history of the Maya forests through anthracological sequences (L. Dussol).
Référence : 52565. English
45,00 €
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