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Aerial Photography and Archaeology 2003. A Century of Information, 2005, 412 p.

Aerial Photography and Archaeology 2003. A Century of Information, 2005, 412 p. -

Bob BEWLEY, Aerial Archaeology: the First Century ; Steve BÖDECKER, The Roman Army at Kalkar (Germany). The Use of Historic Aerial Photographs and GIS for the Roman Microregion at Burginatium (Germania inferior) ; Jean BOURGEOIS, Marc MEGANCK & Jacques SEMEY, Almost a Century of Aerial Photography in Belgium. An Overview ; Kenneth BROPHY, Revealing Neolithic Europe: The Impact of Aerial Reconnaissance ; David BUCKLEY & Paul GILMAN, Aerial Archaeology in Essex: 1970-2003 ; Giuseppe CERAUDO, 105 Years of Archaeological Aerial Photography in Italy (1899-2004) ; Mathieu DE MEYER, Houthulst and the A19-Project: Inventory of World War I Heritage based on Wartime Aerial Photography and Trench maps ; Martin GOJDA, Features, Sites and Settlement Areas in the View of Air Survey (Bohemia, 1992-2003) ; Dariusz KRASNODEBSKI, Polish Aerial Photos 1923-1929 ; Wlodzimierz RACZKOWSKI, To Overcome Infirmity: Current Approaches to Aerial Archaeology in Poland ; Birger STICHELBAUT, Great War Aerial Photography, a Contribution to the Flemish Battlefield Archaeology ; Joris DE MAN, Karl CORDEMANS, Joke VERKEYN, Hans MESTDAGH, A Laser Based Digital Elevation Model, New Possibilities for Flemish Archaeologists ; Mathieu DE MEYER, Archaeological Research using Satellite Remote Sensing Techniques (CORONA) in Iran (Pusht-I Kuh, Luristan) ; Wouter GHEYLE, Jean BOURGEOIS, Alain DE WULF, Rudi GOOSSENS, Tom WILLEMS, L'utilisation de l'image satellite CORONA dans la prospection archéologique: l'exemple de l'Altai ; Rudi GOOSSENS, 3D Analysis of Satellite Images for Archaeology. The Example of CORONA, Quickbird, Ikonos and Aster and Oblique Aerial Pictures ; John G.B. HAIGH, From Photographs to Maps. A Collaborative Development ; Benoit SITTLER, René SIWE, Manfred GÜLTLINGER, Airborne Laser Scanning as a New Remote Sensing Tool for Assessing Historic Landscapes. Generation of a Digital Elevation Model of Ridge and Furrow Fossilized under a Forest near Rastatt (Germany) ; Harald VON DER OSTEN-WOLDENURG, Different Numerical and Visual Concepts for Combining Aerial Pictures and Geophysical Mappings ; Roger AGACHE, Jean-Claude BLANCHET, Archéologie aérienne dans la France du Nord. Publication électronique et base de données patrimoniales ; Jeanne-Nora ANDRIKOPOULOU-STRACK, La protection des sites grâce à la photographie aérienne en Rhénanie ; Marilyn BROWN, The Lost Gardens of Scotland: Aerial Survey and Designed Landscapes. Detection and Documentation ; Bart CHERRETTÉ, Jean BOURGEOIS, Circles for the dead. From Aerial Photography to Excavation of a Bronze Age Cemetery in Oedelem (West-Flanders, Belgium) ; David D. COWLEY, Aerial Reconnaissance and Vertical Photography in Upland Scotland: Integrating the Resources ; Wim DE CLERCQ, Jacques SEMEY, And What About the Farms? Assessing the “Aerial Visibility” of Early Historic Settlement Areas in the North-Western Part of Flanders ; Maria RIUZ DEL ARBOL, F. Javier SANCHEZ-PALENCIA, Almuneda OREJAS, Juan L. PECHARROMAN, The Application of Aerial Photography to the Conservation and Management of Cultural Parks ; Toby DRIVER, High Peaks, Deep Valleys: Triumphs and Challenges in Surveying Upland Wales from the Air ; Rebecca H. JONES, Surveying the Antonine Wall: Digital Integration and Research ; Ivan KUZMA, New discoveries in Slovakia ; Gilles LEROUX, Contribution de l'archéologie aérienne à la connaissance du tracé de la voie antique Rennes (Condate) - Angers (Juliomagus) ; Marc LODEWIJCKX, René PELEGRIN, First Results of Aerial Survey in the Eastern part of Flanders (Belgium) ; Jerzy MIALDUN, Izabela MIRKOWSKA, Wlodzimierz RACZKOWSKI, Early Medieval Fortified Sites in North-Eastern Poland: an Archaeological Information System ; Ralf SCHWARZ, Aerial Archaeology in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany): A Morphological Approach ; Frank VERMEULEN, Geert VERHOEVEN, Jacques SEMEY, The Integration of Aerial Photography and GIS in the Potenza Valley Survey ; Torsten WIEDEMANN, Marc ANTROP, Bea HAGEMAN, Frank VERMEULEN, Ancient Lines in the Landscape: the Use of GIS and Aerial Photography for the Study of Ancient Roads and Field Systems in Flanders Region ; Otto-Mathias WILBERTZ, ADABweb - Système d'informations archéologiques sur l'intranet du Pays Fédéral Allemand de Niedersachsen (Basse-Saxe) ; Otto-Mathias WILBERTZ, Semantic Questions and their Impact on Mapping Sites ; Zou CHANGCUN, Ye XINSHI, Zhang BIANLU, Jorg W.E. FASSBINDER, Helmut BECKER, Aerial and Geophysical Archaeological Reconnaissance at Yangling, the Mausoleum of Emperor Jingdi in the Han Dynasty, China.
Référence : 35359. English, French
99,50 €