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Cluny from the Tenth to the Twelfth Centuries, Further Studies, 2000, 326 p. -

Preface; Cluny in the monastic world of the tenth century; Seniores et pueri à Cluny aux Xe, XIe siècles; Entrance to Cluny in the eleventh and twelfth centuries according to the Cluniac customaries and statutes; The reception-privilege of Cluny in the eleventh and twelfth centuries; The interdict-and excommunication-privilege for Cluny in the Papal Bulls of 1097 and 1100; From Cluny to Cîteaux; Cluny and the First Crusade; Baume and Cluny in the twelfth century; Les listes de propriétés dans les privilèges pour Baume-les-Messieurs aux XIe et XIIe siècles; Commemoration and confraternity at Cluny during the abbacy of Peter the Venerable; An unpublished letter by Peter the Venerable to the Priors of Paray-le-Monial, Mesvres, and Luzy in 1147; The Abbots and Anti-Abbot of Cluny during the Papal Schism of 1159; The Abbot and townsmen of Cluny in the twelfth century; Addenda; Bibliography; Index.
Référence : 34732. English
142,00 €
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