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Production and Management of Lithic Materials in the European Linearbandkeramik, (actes 14e Congrès UISPP, Université de Liège, Belgique, 2-8 sept. 2001, section 9.3), (BAR S1200), 2003, 83 p. - Actes Colloques UISPP

The areas of discussion focussed on lithic production in the Linearbandkeramik (LBK) communities of Europe, including: exploitation and processing of siliceous rocks; the characterization of different strategies for knapping blanks for tools at site level and of their mode of production (domestic, specialized, surplus production); the differentiation of settlements (producers, users); the networks of regional and extra-regional exchange (of raw materials, cores, blanks or tools); the modes of distribution, geographical and chronological evidence; and the problems involved in reconstructing the socio-economic context of lithic production. The papers featured are: M. Kaczanowska, Distribution of raw materials used in the chipped stone industry of the western Linear Band Pottery Culture and the eastern Linear Pottery Culture in the Circum-Carpathian area ; K. T. Biró, Tevel flint : a special constituent of the central european LBC lithic inventories; J. Lech, Mining and siliceous rock supply to the danubian early farming communities (LBK) in eastern central Europe : a second approach ; N. Graiewski, A. Zimmermann, Exchange systems of stone artefacts in the European Neolithic ; M. E.Th. de Grooth, Dealing with Bandkeramik cherts. Procurement strategies in south-eastern Bavaria ; D. Gronenborn, Lithic raw material distribution networks and the neolithization of central Europe; J.-P. Caspar, L. Burnez-Lanotte, Gestion des matériaux siliceux dans les premières communautés danubiennes (culture à Céramique Linéaire et Groupe de Blicquy-Villeneuve-Saint-Germain) à Vaux-et-Borset (Hesbaye, Belgique) ; L. Burnez-Lanotte, P. Allard, Surplus production in the Belgian Linearbankeramik : blade debitage at Verlaine "Petit Paradis" (Hesbaye, Belgium) ; P. Allard - Modalités d'approvisionnement et réseaux de circulation des produits siliceux dans la Céramique Linéaire du Nord-est de la France et de la Belgique; A. Augereau, Early Neolithic settlements of the south-east of the Paris basin (Seine/Yonne sector) and their flintworking industries : caracterization, specialization and function of knapping activities
Référence : 27060. English, French
63,00 €
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